Exigence Self-Reflection


Sarelle Alcantara
FIQWS 10103

           In the process of writing my exigence essay, I started off originally telling a personal story.
At this point, my main purpose for my writing was to connect myself to whoever may be
reading. I always prefer writing essays and stories where I can connect myself into my writing
opposed to anything opposite (This was the difference between my exigence and my
exploratory). However I was told that my essay shouldn’t solely be a personal story, and that I
should connect myself into why there is a need or demand for my topic. I wanted to start off
connecting readers to the essay with word choices like “We”. I wanted to illustrate that this essay
isn’t only about myself and what I feel, but to show that others just like myself may have similar
issues and can possibly relate to this essay.

         My topic that I chose for my exploratory was very broad, however, language isn’t
necessarily something that can be simplified, we use it everyday, we need it everyday, and that
was the purpose of my exigence essay. My goal was to show how humans in today’s society are
so caught up in other things that they tend to ignore the beauty and recognize the need behind the
simple things. People normalize the idea of being shy, instead of pushing forth the beauty that is
language and communication. I wanted to incorporate how I was taught to break out of my
awkward and shy childhood through the use of examples about my mother. The goal with this
example was to illustrate that teaching one how to utilize language and how to communicate
doesn’t always start in school, sometimes it starts at home, sometimes these practices must start
young in order to truly benefit us in the future.

         One thing I’ve been struggling with as far as our course outcomes go, is to “Recognize and
practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations”. This has been a
struggle for me and my writing in this class. My main concern when I’m writing is that I am so
accustomed to myself, that it becomes challenging sometimes to see what may be really wrong
with my writing. This leads me to say that I assume that is what the purpose of peer review is, I
believe peer review definitely gives me a more open perspective to my writing and grants me
with other opinions. However, I don’t find it effective at all because I don’t think students can
effectively teach students how to write their essays, or even provide the proper feedback
especially when we’re all getting graded. So this leads me to feel a little unsure and uneasy about
how I am going to move forward and progress in my future writing through the use of peer
review. However I believe the more you do something, the better you’ll get at what you’re doing,
so I definitely believe writing this essay and receiving feedback will benefit me and how I
proceed to write in the future.

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